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Ugly People Pics

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Ugly People Pics: How Ugly Girls Can Find True Love That Trumps Pretty

The worldwide acceptance of the frumpy media singing sensation Susan Boyle gives hope that ugly girls can find love. Personally I don't think she is ugly, but many people at first glance wrote her off as totally unattractive.
While the masses were swept away by her beautiful voice, there was something else, more substantive, that drew people to love her. She captured hearts by her "inner beauty" and what most perceived were her qualities of purity, kindness and innocence. Rare qualities today that men find VERY APPEALING.
So what lesson can unattractive women draw from this example? It's that ugly girls can find love. True in this case, it wasn't love from a man, but from reading thousands of blog posts from men, it is clear that men worldwide find her inner beauty breathtakingly refreshing and something to be sought after.
Let's face it ugly girls have a harder time being accepted. That's fact. And since we live in a world obsessed with physical beauty, finding love will be more difficult. Now, that we got that out of the way. Let's move on to some areas of dating that unattractive women are most vulnerable to that can delay or even sabotage their chances for finding love.
Believe it or not, the more unattractive a woman is, the more she should play hard to get. I know that statement raises eyebrows. But let's consider why that is so. Ugly girls can find love when she stands out as different from the prettier women. Her inner beauty has to beam brighter than other women.
But what so often happens is when she's asked out, she feels so excited to be asked out, that she puts pressure on herself to make sure he likes her. She wants him to like her at all costs. She becomes too compliant. Too eager to please. Too needy. And that turns the guy off.
What she should do is be her natural self and let her inner beauty, her smile, humor, kindness, graciousness, people skills, etc shine bright. No negative talk about her plight among the less fortunate. No complaints about her looks. No barfing for his approval.
And above all no physical intimacy (sex). None at all! Until he sees and values your inner beauty. Your game plan should be to develop a true friendship between the two of you. Make his time with you so enjoyable he HAS to see you again.
Then on subsequent dates, build on that good will until before he realizes it he finds in you a very special person. Is this possible? I'm sure you've seen movies or read books where the mucho guy makes a bet with his buddies that he'll date the ugly girl for a joke or on a bet from a friend, then as time progresses he begins to see her inner beauty, and falls in love.
I'm not saying this is easy. But ugly girls can find love if they develop a confident mindset that SHE is the Prize and with graciousness will accept his pursuit of her. Unfortunately, most unattractive women don't know the skills needed to pull off this tact nor the courage to do so. But in light of the worldwide wake-up call to not judge a book by its cover, don't you think it's worth a try?
The truth is that ugly girls can find love, and when he looks into your eyes, he'll see the beauty within, which is the most important. long-lasting beauty of all.
My name is Donna Patterson. At [], I teach women the limits of Uncommitted love and sex to instead discover the six critical decisions necessary to establish Committed Love first, leading to genuine love and a husband as best friend in marriage based on a six-step transitions process. Also, Download 6 FREE Sure-Fire Dating Tips. Click here: [].
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